
मोनसे जिबजों मा मा बायजोनि गोथां बेसादफोरा बाहायजायो ?

मोनसे जिबजों मा मा बायजोनि गोथां बेसादफोरा बाहायजायो ? फिननाय: मोनसे जिबआ बायजोनि गोथां बेसादफोरखौ सरासनस्रायै आदार आरो अक्सिजेननि महराव (थाथयॎाव ) बाहायो । जिबनि दाथाय आरो बेनि आब'हावानि सायाव सोनारनानै मोनसे जिबनि थाखाय गोनां जानाय बायजोनि गोथां बसादफोरा गुबुन गुबुन जानो हागौ ।

Science MCQ part 1

1. Which of the following is a plant hormone ? (a) Insulin (b) Thyroxin (c) Oestrogen (d) Cytokinin Ans. (d) Cytokinin 2. The gap between two neurons is called a (a) dendrite (c) axon (b) synapse (d) impulse Ans. (b) synapse 3. The brain is responsible for (a) thinking (b) regulating the heart beat (c) balancing the body  (d) all of the above Ans. (d) all of the above 4. The kidneys in human beings are a part of the system for (a) nutrition (b) respiration (c) excretion (d) transportation Ans. (c) excretion 5. The xylem in plants are responsible for (a) transport of water (b) transport of food (c) transport of amino acids (d) transport of oxygen Ans. (a) transport of water 6. The autotrophic mode of nutrition requires (a) carbon dioxide and water (b) chlorophyll (c) sunlight (d) all of the above Ans. (d) all of the above 7. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in (a) cytoplasm (b) mitochondria (c) chloroplast (d) nucleus Ans. (b) mitochondria 8

लाइफां हरमनफोरा मा मा ?

लाइफां हरमनफोरा मा मा ? Ans : लाइफां हरमनफोरा जादों मिथिंगायारियै मोननाय जिबआरि मुवाफोर | बेफोर लाइफांनि मोदोमनि मोनसे बाहागोआव सोमजियो आरो गुबुन गुबुन बाहागोफोराव नांगौबादियै ज'जाहैयो । मोनबा रोखोमनि गुबै लाइफां हरमनफोरा जादों अक्सिन, जिबारेलिन, साइट'काइनिन, एबसिसिक एसिद आरो इथाइलिन ।

जिउ सामलायनो थाखाय नों मा मा बिखान्थिखौ गोनांथार होनना सानो ?

जिउ सामलायनो थाखाय नों मा मा बिखान्थिखौ गोनांथार होनना सानो ? फिननायः जिउ सामलायनो थाखाय जिउनि बिखान्थिफोर जेरै सुफुंसारनाय, हांलानाय, रोगानाय, खिगारनाय बायदिया गोनांथार |

solutions to pedagogy questions of UTET 2021 March solutions to pedagogy questions of Uttarakhand TET 2021 March solutions to pedagogy questions of Uttarakhand Teacher Eligibility Test 2021 March

1. Which space of classroom arrangement is most effective for hearing impaired ? A. circular B. semicircular C. rectangular D. square shape Answer : B. semicircular 2. Which is not a learning characteristic of mentally retarded person ?  A. Slow learning B. Quick for getting short memory  C. Imitation learning D. Ability to generalise Answer : D. Ability to generalise 3.  Aim of integrated education for visually impaired is  A. social integration  B. Social recognition C. Both (A) and (B) D. None of these Answer : C. Both (A) and (B) 4. A child tells many titles of a story. He has the ability of A.  Ideational fluency B. Expressional fluency C. Associative fluency D. Word fluency Answer : C. Associative fluency 5. Dysphasia is A. Inability to write B. Inability to read C. Inability to calculate  D. Language abnormality Answer : D. Language abnormality 6. Cognition is the process of knowing which does not include A. Thinking B. Understanding  C. Boasting D. Problem solving Answer : C. B

SOLVED QUESTION PAPER OF CTET held on 31 st January 2021Child Development and Pedagogy

SOLVED QUESTION PAPER OF CTET Held on 31 st January 2021 Child Development and Pedagogy 1. In order to address learners from diverse backgrounds, a teacher should use standardized assessment for all use statements that strengthens .negative stereotypes avoid talking about aspects related to diversity draw examples from diverse settings Answer : 4. draw examples from diverse settings 2. Problem-solving abilities can be facilitated by encouraging use of analogies generating fear among children focusing on drill and practice encouraging fixed process of solving the problems Answer : 3. focusing on drill and practice 3. In order to address the needs of students who are facing learning difficulties, a teacher should NOT do individualised educational planning practice rigid structure for pedagogy and assessment use multiple audio-visual aids use constructive pedagogical approaches Answer : 2. practice rigid structure for pedagogy and assessment 4. …… the primary identifying

1. The best way to describe the role of a teacher in the present context isTeacher as a storehouse of knowledge.Teacher as a leaderTeacher as a therapistTeacher as a counsellorAns : D. Teacher as a counsellor2. Listening attentively is a sign ofPityCommunicationInsensitivityJudgmentAns : B. Communication3. Which of the following is NOT correctDifferent children learn at a different paceAll learners are uniqueAll diverse classroom is a hurdle in creating learning opportunity for all.All children are meant to be in school.Ans : C. All diverse classroom is a hurdle in creating learning opportunity for all.4. Understanding another person's point of view isTrustworthinessEmpathyPerspective takingSensitivityAns : C. Perspective taking5. If a student always gets into conflict when working in a group, the student needs to learnCompassionTeam buildingTeam spiritCooperationAns : D. Cooperation

1. The best way to describe the role of a teacher in the present context is A. Teacher as a storehouse of knowledge. B. Teacher as a leader C. Teacher as a therapist D. Teacher as a counsellor Ans : D. Teacher as a counsellor 2. Listening attentively is a sign of A. Pity B. Communication C. Insensitivity D. Judgment Ans : B. Communication 3. Which of the following is NOT correct A. Different children learn at a different pace B. All learners are unique C. All diverse classroom is a hurdle in creating learning opportunity for all. D. All children are meant to be in school. Ans : C. All diverse classroom is a hurdle in creating learning opportunity for all. 4. Understanding another person's point of view is A. Trustworthiness B. Empathy C. Perspective taking D. Sensitivity Ans : C. Perspective taking 5. If a student always gets into conflict when working in a group, the student needs to learn A. Compassion B. Team building C. Team spirit D. Cooperation Ans : D. Cooperation