SOLVED QUESTION PAPER OF CTET held on 31 st January 2021Child Development and Pedagogy


Held on 31 st January 2021

Child Development and Pedagogy

1. In order to address learners from diverse backgrounds, a teacher should

  1. use standardized assessment for all

  2. use statements that strengthens .negative stereotypes

  3. avoid talking about aspects related to diversity

  4. draw examples from diverse settings

Answer : 4. draw examples from diverse settings

2. Problem-solving abilities can be facilitated by

  1. encouraging use of analogies

  2. generating fear among children

  3. focusing on drill and practice

  4. encouraging fixed process of solving the problems

Answer : 3. focusing on drill and practice

3. In order to address the needs of students who are facing learning difficulties, a teacher should NOT

  1. do individualised educational planning

  2. practice rigid structure for pedagogy and assessment

  3. use multiple audio-visual aids

  4. use constructive pedagogical approaches

Answer : 2. practice rigid structure for pedagogy and assessment

4. …… the primary identifying feature of creativity.

  1. Hyperactivity

  2. Inattentiveness

  3. Low comprehension

  4. Divergent thinking

Answer : 4. Divergent thinking

5. Which of the following is most effective mode of teaching-learning ?

  1. Observation without analysis

  2. Imitation and repetition

  3. Rote memorisation of content

  4. Exploration of relationships between concepts

Answer : 4. Exploration of relationships between concepts

6. A teacher should analyse the various errors made by students on given task because

  1. she can segregate those who made more errors in comparison to others

  2. learning is solely based on correction of errors

  3. she can decide degree of punishment accordingly

  4. understanding of errors are meaningful in the teaching-learning process

Answer : 4. understanding of errors are meaningful in the teaching-learning process

7. Motivation to learn can be sustained by

  1. giving very easy tasks to children

  2. focusing on rote-memorisation

  3. punishing the child

  4. focusing on mastery-oriented goals

Answer : 4. focusing on mastery-oriented goals

8. Shame……

  1. is very effective to motivate the children to learn

  2. should be generated frequently in teaching-learning process

  3. has no relation to cognition

  4. can have negative impact on cognition

Answer :  4. can have negative impact on cognition

9. Constructivist view of learning suggest children…….construction of their own knowledge.

  1. play an active role in

  2. are solely dependent on textbooks in

  3. have no role to play in

  4. are solely dependent on adults for

Answer : 1. play an active role in

10. Which of the following belief is good for learning ?

  1. Efforts don't make any difference

  2. Failure is uncomfortable

  3. Ability is improvable

  4. Ability is fixed

Answer : 3. Ability is improvable

11. Conceptual understanding among students is likely to improve in the settings which emphasise on

  1. frequent examinations

  2. inquiry and dialogue

  3. competitions

  4. textbook-centric pedagogy

Answer : 2. inquiry and dialogue

12. It is difficult for children to learn when

  1. learning is socially contextualized

  2. content is represented through multiple ways

  3. information is presented in disconnected chunks

  4. they are intrinsically motivated

Answer : 3. information is presented in disconnected chunks

13. Best state of learning is

  1. moderate arousal, no fear

  2. no arousal, no fear

  3. high arousal, high fear

  4. low arousal, high fear

Answer : 1. moderate arousal, no fear

14. Individual differences in development of children can be attributed to

  1. neither heredity nor environment

  2. interplay of heredity and environment

  3. heredity only

  4. environment only

Answer : 2. interplay of heredity and environment

15. During a task, Sania is talking to herself about ways she can proceed on the task. According to Lev Vygotsky's idea on language and thought ; this kind of 'private speech' is a sign of

  1. Ego-centricism

  2. Psychological disorder

  3. Cognitive immaturity

  4. Self-regulation

Answer : 4. Self-regulation

16. Evaluation practices should aim at

  1. indentifying students needs and requirements

  2. identification of high-achievers for prize distribution

  3. labelling of students

  4. segregation of students for ability based groups

Answer : 1. indentifying students needs and requirements

17. After observing that students are struggling to proceed further on an ongoing activity, a teacher decides to provide cues and hints in form of what, why, how. According to Lev Vygotsky's theory, this strategy of teacher will

  1. cause withdrawal tendency among students

  2. be meaningless in process of learning

  3. demotivate the children to learn

  4. act as a scaffold for learning

Answer : 4. act as a scaffold for learning

18. After getting hurt during a play activity, Rohan started crying. Seeing this, his father responded, " Don't  behave like girls, boys don't cry ". This statement by the father

  1. reduces gender bias

  2. promotes gender equality

  3. reflects gender stereotype

  4. challenges gender stereotype

Answer : 3. reflects gender stereotype

19. In a progressive classroom

  1. ample opportunities should be provided for construction of knowledge

  2. students should be labelled on the basis of their academic scores

  3. a teacher should follow fixed curriculum

  4. the emphasis should be on competition among student 

Answer : 1. ample opportunities should be provided for construction of knowledge

20. According to Lawrence Kohlberg's theory, " Performing an act and doing something because others approves it ", represent……...stage of morality.

  1. Post conventional

  2. Formal conventional

  3. Pre-conventional

  4. Conventional

Answer : 4. Conventional

21. Which of the following is correct in the context of socialisation of children ?

  1. Peers are primary socialisation agent

  2. Family and mass-media both are secondary socialisation agents

  3. School is a secondary socialisation agent and family is a primary agent

  4. School is a primary socialisation agent and peers are secondary socialisation agent

Answer : 3. School is a secondary socialisation agent and family is a primary agent

22. Theory of multiple intelligence emphasises that

  1. there are several forms of intelligences

  2. there are no individual differences in intelligence

  3. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be measured only by objective tests

  4. Intelligence in one domain ensures intelligence in all other domains.

Answer :  1. there are several forms of intelligences

23. Pre-operational stage in Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development characterises……..

  1. Hypothetico deductive thinking

  2. Ability to conserve and seriate objects

  3. Development of abstract thinking

  4. Concentration in thought

Answer : 4. Concentration in thought

24. Which of the following statements is correct in context of development ?

  1. Development occurs only during the period of childhood

  2. Development is multidimensional

  3. Development has the same rate of growth across cultures for everyone

  4. Development occurs only through learning that takes place in school

Answer : 2. Development is multidimensional

25. Lev Vygotsky's social-cultural perspective of learning emphasises importance of…….in the learning process.

  1. Motivation

  2. Equilibration

  3. Cultural tools

  4. Attribution

Answer : 3. Cultural tools

26. In his theory of cognitive development, Jean Piaget explains cognitive structures in terms of……….

  1. Zone of proximal development

  2. Schemas

  3. Psychological tools

  4. Stimulus-response association

Answer : 2. Schemas

27. In an Inclusive classroom emphasis should be on

  1. segregation of students based on their social identity

  2. providing opportunities aiming at maximising potential of individual children

  3. performance oriented goals

  4. undifferentiated instructions

Answer : 2. providing opportunities aiming at maximising potential of individual children

28. According to Right of Persons with Disabilities Act (2016), which of the following term is appropriate to use ?

  1. Student with physical disability

  2. Student with crippled body

  3. Retarded student

  4. Handicapped student

Answer : 1. Student with physical disability

29. Sequence of development among children from birth to adolescence is

  1. concrete, abstract, sensory

  2. abstract, concrete, sensory

  3. sensory, concrete, abstract

  4. abstract, sensory, concrete

Answer : 3. sensory, concrete, abstract

30. Individual differences in a progressive classroom should be treated as

  1. criteria for making ability-based groups

  2. important for planning of teaching-learning process

  3. a hindrance to the process of learning

  4. a failure on the part of teacher

Answer : 2. important for planning of teaching-learning process


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