solutions to pedagogy questions of UTET 2021 March solutions to pedagogy questions of Uttarakhand TET 2021 March solutions to pedagogy questions of Uttarakhand Teacher Eligibility Test 2021 March

1. Which space of classroom arrangement is most effective for hearing impaired ?

A. circular

B. semicircular

C. rectangular

D. square shape

Answer : B. semicircular

2. Which is not a learning characteristic of mentally retarded person ? 

A. Slow learning

B. Quick for getting short memory 

C. Imitation learning

D. Ability to generalise

Answer : D. Ability to generalise

3.  Aim of integrated education for visually impaired is 

A. social integration 

B. Social recognition

C. Both (A) and (B)

D. None of these

Answer : C. Both (A) and (B)

4. A child tells many titles of a story. He has the ability of

A.  Ideational fluency

B. Expressional fluency

C. Associative fluency

D. Word fluency

Answer : C. Associative fluency

5. Dysphasia is

A. Inability to write

B. Inability to read

C. Inability to calculate 

D. Language abnormality

Answer : D. Language abnormality

6. Cognition is the process of knowing which does not include

A. Thinking

B. Understanding 

C. Boasting

D. Problem solving

Answer : C. Boasting

7. Which theory proposes the four major stages of cognitive development

A. Piaget's theory of cognitive development

B. Yygotsky's theory of social development

C. Kohlberg's theory of cognitive development

D. Bandura's Theory of social learning

Answer : A. Piaget's theory of cognitive development

8. Which of the following activities is associated with spatial intelligence ?

A. Verbal persuation

B. Assembling a complex appliance

C. Developing and testing hypothesis

D.  Sensing when to be tactful

Answer : C. Developing and testing hypothesis

9. Which motivational technique will be more useful for slow learners ?

A. Award and appreciation

B. Punishment

C. condemnation

D. Challenge

Answer : A. Award and appreciation

10. Which of the following is not a characteristic of gifted children

A. They learn more quickly and independently than most students of their own age.

B. they often have well-developed vocabulary as well as advanced reading and writing skills.

C. They do not hold themselves to higher than usual standards of achievement.

D. they are very motivated, especially on their tasks are challenging or difficult

Answer : C. They do not hold themselves to higher than usual standards of achievement.

11. Which of the following is not a special feature of teaching skills ?

A. Teaching skills are related to actions or behaviours of teachers.

B. Teaching skills provide assistance and ease to students in learning.

C. Teaching skills are related to all units of classroom teaching Behaviour.

D. Teaching skills are helpful in achieving the specific educational objectives.

Answer : C. Teaching skills are related to all units of classroom teaching Behaviour.

12. Which of the following statements does not define the nature of teaching exactly

A. Teaching is interaction

B. Teaching is both an art as well as science

C. Teaching is developmental process.

D. Teaching is useful for the teacher only.

Answer : D. Teaching is useful for the teacher only.

13. Which of the following statements clearly defines learning ?

A. Learning is both process and product

B. Learning is a continuous process

C. Learning is a process of change in behaviour

D. All of the above

Answer : D. All of the above

14. Which of the following is not a teaching method ?

A. Question-answer method

B. Interview method

C. brain storming method

D. Discovery method

Answer : B. Interview method

15. Which of the following are the maxims of teaching ?

1. From known to unknown.

2. From concrete to abstract

3. From easy to difficult

4. From whole to part.

A. (1) and (3)

B. (1) and (4)

C. (2),(3) and (4)

D. All of these

Answer : D. All of these

16. Which of the following factors affect personality ?

i. Physical of hereditary determinants

ii. Psychological determinants

iii. Environmental determinants 

iv. Experimental Determinants

A.  (i) and (ii)

B. (i),(ii) and (iii)

C. (i),(iii) and (iv)

D. (ii) and (iv)

Answer : C. (i),(iii) and (iv)

17. The knowledge of Educational Psychology is necessary for a teacher because it

A. provides knowledge about new teaching techniques

B. helps to solve all types of educational problems successfully

C. helps the teacher to learn new evaluation techniques

D. helps the teacher to know himself

Answer : B. helps to solve all types of educational problems successfully

18. Which of the following is true for processes of growth and development ?

A. Both are natural processes

B. Growth is natural while development needs external intervention

C. If growth is satisfactory, development follows

D. Both the processes go together without any, external intervention

Answer : B. Growth is natural while development needs external intervention

19. In the context of the role of heredity and environment in personality development, which of the following is true ?

A. Good heredity can make up for poor environment.

B. Heredity and environment have equal contribution.

C. Poor environment can suppress good heredity.

D. Good environment can make up for poor heredity.

Answer : B. Heredity and environment have equal contribution.

20. Who among the following described the intellectual development as age related development ?

A. Jerome S Burner

B. Jean Piaget

C. David Ausubel

D. Hilda Taba

Answer : B. Jean Piaget

21. Children could learn to be aggressive simply by observing an adult behaviour agressively. This point of view is held by

A. Cattel

B. Allport

C. Dollard and Miller

D. Bandura and his associates

Answer : D. Bandura and his associates

22. Which one of the following is not a stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development ?

A. Sensory-motor

B. Pre-conventional

C. Conventional

D. Post-conventional

Answer : A. Sensory-motor

23. A student was solving the mathematical problems and got puzzled with one. After devoting sometime in thinking about the solution he suddenly got a clue and solved the problem. It is learning through

A. Operant conditioning

B. Classical conditioning

C. Insight

D. Hierarchical approach

Answer : C. Insight

24. Differences in 'learning styles' among learners may be attributed to

A. Socialisation process of learner

B. Thinking strategies adopted by the learner

C. Economic Conditions of the family

D. Parenting of the child

Answer : B. Thinking strategies adopted by the learner

25. Which is not the characteristic of a good mental health ?

A. Balanced integrative and harmonious development

B. Acceptance of reality

C. Boasting

D. Regular life

Answer : C. Boasting

26. Which one of the following is most appropriate to develop higher order cognitive skills ?

A. Lecture demonstration

B. Role play

C. Discussion session

D. Inquiry learning

Answer : C. Discussion session

27. One of the most important ways of fostering problem solving on the part of student is

A. to stimulate the formation of critical attitude.

B. to emphasise problems that are real to them

C. to provide them with formal reasoning techniques

D. to refuse; to give or to accept answers

Answer : A. to stimulate the formation of critical attitude.

28. Curriculum means

A. All experiences which students get in school.

B. Subjects that are transferred by the faculty.

C. Syllabus prescribed for the course.

D. Class experiences, sports and games.

Answer : C. Syllabus prescribed for the course.

29. NIVH is related to

A. Visually Handicapped

B. Orthopedically handicapped

C. Hearing impaired

D. Mentally impaired

Answer : A. Visually Handicapped

30. Pre-lingual deafness occurs

A. before acquisition of language

B. after acquisition of language

C. from birth

D. None of the above

Answer : C. from birth


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